Electrolux 450 G Force washers & dryers are the most energy efficient on the market. Each washer weighs your clothes in order to allocate the appropriate amount of water. This function is called Automatic Water Savings and helps us use up to 30% less water than any other laundromat in San Francisco. Period.
Our dryers, with their EcoPower Technology save an additional 15% on energy by sensing when clothes are dry and automatically decreasing the temperature while continuing to rotate so your clothes come out wrinkle free.
Each machine comes with a card reader so you can use debit or credit.
Go Classic:
Don't worry - we will have a change machine so you can still use coins.
Do you spend hours waiting for your laundry to be done? Worry no more! Our energy star certified washers will have you spinning with your time savings. And don't be misled by our huge 50lb dryers. While using 40% less gas, they also dry 12% faster getting you in and out in no time - phew!
free sanitizing
All of our washers come with a FREE sanitizing setting to ensure you're always getting a clean wash.
Eco-friendly SOAP
We offer eco-friendly, unscented, powder detergent for single use or you can bring your own!